Halifax Long March: Call to Arms…

This is very important for all past and present Long March supporters.

Halifax Central Initiative

The Halifax Long March celebrated it’s 50th Year in 2015, with over 100 participants raising money for Christian Aid.

For 50 years the participants of the Long March have only been able to raise money for Christian Aid alone. Sadly it seems that the number of Christian Aid supporters in Calderdale has dropped which has put a drastic threat on the future of the ‘Halifax Long March’, a 26.2 Mile Walk which takes place on Easter Sunday – ‘through the night’!

Members of the Committee have met and have come up with a proposal for the ‘way forward’ regarding the ‘Halifax Long March’. The proposal will be discussed at the Annual General Meeting, on Monday 28th September, which will be held at Providence United reformed Church (over the road from Beechwood Road Medical Centre.

The Committee is calling out to all Current and Past Long March supporters, asking them to…

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